Category: Inspirational Quotes

  • Do Not Fear!

    Do Not Fear!

    Hello my angels! Today I came across Isaiah 41:10, and I thought that I would share it with you to encourage you to remain faithful and grateful for the positive role that God has played, and continues to play, in your life. When life gets hard, please remember that you…

  • Courage


    Hello Everyone! I hope that this message finds you well! Today I want to talk to you about courage. Have you ever wanted to do something, but were terrified to proceed? You have the courage, yet you hesitate. Try combining your courage with a little bit of faith. Courage +…

  • Just Be Still…

    Just Be Still…

    Today I was reminded of the importance of being still. In other words, we don’t always have to push so hard to “make something happen.” When you have done your best, stop pushing and be still so that you can witness the true power of the Lord in your life.…

  • Your Comeback is on the Way!

    Your Comeback is on the Way!

    There are times in life when we face seemingly unsurmountable challenges. During those times we must remember that our temporary setback is often just a setup for a comeback! Stay strong and focused on your goal, and know that everything works for the good of those that love the Lord!…

  • The Power of Pleasant Words!

    The Power of Pleasant Words!

    Today I was reminded of the power of our words. It is amazing how a kind word or gesture can lift someone’s spirits and change their outlook for the better. If you want to reap bountiful blessings, then BE A BLESSING to someone in your life each and every day.…